KOMEYUI, SOUTH MELBOURNE (Japanese Restaurant)

Cues from traditional Japanese culture fuse with contemporary hospitality design into an integrated design approach. The Genkan (entry), Koshido (screening) and Yakisugi (charred timber) all form fundamental design elements within the whole, and serve to connect patrons to the owner’s heritage.

These traditional elements combine with careful spatial sequencing to heighten the dining experience. The Genkan is compressed in scale and ordered to create a sense of mystery and anticipation as one enters from the street. The compressed entry opens up into the foyer, an intermediate space where the Koshido mediates views and privacy into the main dining area.

The continuous sushi bar runs the entire length of the dining area and is the defining element in the space. The ceiling steps down again here for increased intimacy. Patrons seated here are elevated to the level of the sushi chef, becoming directly involved in the curation of their dishes.

Photography: Nicole England


Komeyui Brisbane


Komeyui Port Melbourne